Membership Renewal (Request for £60, please)
1st January 2024 to 31st December 2026
You can renew and pay online or send a cheque. Scroll down to the form at the foot of this page, complete the form with your and your church's details, click the verification number which tells us you are not spam, and click 'submit'. It will be sent direct to our treasurer. Don't forget to send your BACS payment or cheque, details below.Despite rising prices,the Membership fee for existing member churches has not been increased. We have managed to keep it at £20 per year, making £60 for 2024, 2025 and 2026. This includes:
1. An entry in ‘A Guide to Shropshire Churches’ A5 booklet, in full colour, distributed free to Visitor Information Centres, and other main visitor attractions in Shropshire, and freely available in other member churches.
2. Entry on the SCTG website
with your own page for your own church. We can add extra pictures & text if you wish.
3. Our Newsletters covering new tourism opportunities and developments.
4. A programme of meetings, workshops and informative speakers.
5. And a vote at the SCTG AGM
Please send payment of £60 to:
David Hardham, Treasurer SCTG, Upper Knolls Farm, Minsterley, Shrewsbury. SY5 0NL.
(David’s contact details: phone 01588 650362; email:
Cheques payable to ‘Shropshire Churches Tourism Group’.
If you wish to pay by internet, the details are:-
Barclays, Shrewsbury.
Account name: Shropshire Churches Tourism Group.
Sort Code: 20-77-85.
Account number 3332 8651.
Please put your parish as a reference so we know where the payment is from.
It will help us if you complete this form please, even if you pay by internet.
Our privacy policy complies with GDPR: Data is used only to contact members and not shared outside SCTG.