Could your church be a member?








Thank you for showing interest in our growing and vibrant organisation. We aim to create a good network of people in our churches to make all our visitors welcome.

We welcome  new members at a price of £60 for three years, (£20 per year). 

Where does the money go?

Most of it goes into the production of our booklet, 'A Guide to Shropshire's Churches', which is in full colour and includes pictures and a brief description of about 100 member churches.

 Browse the latest booklet so you know what you might be missing. 

You have already found our website which is being improved all the time. Membership ensures your parish a page on this website, where details and pictures appear. Churches may also advertise by sending news and events and extra pictures, for posting on their page with a link on the home page.

In order to keep the subscription at the present price, we are encouraging even more churches to join in with us and have an entry in the new brochure to be published early in 2025

Membership - Every Church in the County, especially those that are aware of visitors and tourists in their buildings, is encouraged to become a member. Churches should be open to visitors or a key holder freely available.

Information is always available to help parishes with ideas for welcoming visitors.

Occasional coach trips are organised, the last one being in 2022 to Hodnet and Moreton Corbet.  A Newsletter is sent to members three or four times a year. 

Visit us on Facebook at


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information, if you need to, at, or phone the number below.

Picture: Melverley Church on the banks of the Severn


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