
Easthope St Peter TF13 6DN   Church open.

Wheelchair access:- one step into the church, the ground is flat, rhe drive is gravelled and the path to the church is on a slight slope and is a little uneven  

This ancient building, with 12th century origins, is remarkable for its beautifully proportioned chancel window, carved oak screen and fine carving on the oak pews dated 1623. Projecting form the pulpit is a a wrought iron hourglass holder used to restrict the 'extraordinary length of services' in 1333!

In 1923 the mediaeval church of Easthope was badly damaged by fire. The village undertook the rebuilding in much the same style as the original and today the pretty church stands as a tribute to their commitment.

It has a carillon bell-ringing mechanism which has more in common with European tradition than that of English churches.

Picture from the website https://www.muchwenlockchurch.co.uk/easthope.htm


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