
St Mary Magdalene  SY4 4AG

Wheelchair access, WC  Daylight opening.

The church of St Mary Magdalene is situated at the heart of its community. It has a
Norman nave believed to date from 1140 to 1150, with the tower and the chancel
being sympathetic Victorian additions. The oldest parts are the north and south doorways, with plain Norman round headed arches. The nave may have been built in the 14th century.The west tower was built in the 1830s, replacing an earlier wooden turret. There is some excellent Victorian stained glass, including the Kempe east window. 
The church contains a Monument dedicated to Lord Rowland Hill who served at
Waterloo. He is buried in a sealed crypt beneath the tower, together, it is thought,
with his sisters.


Pictures: Benefice Facebook page.


A Church Near You https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/4292/

Benefice Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/p/The-United-Benefice-of-Astley-Clive-Grinshill-and-Hadnall-100064600850083/

Hadnall History page with a collection of old photographs:


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